mortgage loan applications

Ample amount of personal loan business person in charge of a joint-stock banks, Guangzhou Branch, said yesterday that the bank this year to give a personal mortgage business, an increase of about 14%, a quarter of the annual mortgage business off-season, in addition to digest last year the December backlog, few new application. "This year, we pressure is relatively large, superior to the amount, if they could ever use, may affect the annual compliance assessment," the official said, "We will not adjust the individual mortgage loans, including two suites, including the policy now is qualified personal mortgage loan applications, are in full accordance with the policy requirements to meet the demand. " . Bill business fill in the amount of the price into a theme In fact, the line of credit easing on the bills impact has been reflected. From state-owned a Dahon bills business sources, the average yield of the paper market in January of this year compared to last January plummeted 100 basis points. "Last year, the revenue of a single-note, this year to use 3 single notes to make up." The source said, "due to the easing of liquidity in the interbank market funding spreads reduce bank after buying funds must sell bills, which led to bills business in recent years, the rapid development of the volume surge; bills but this year, the market situation has changed, and the decline of the average income level in the market, forcing banks to increase the intensity to the amount of the premium on the one hand into the bill business, on the other hand the credit credits began to tilt to the loan, loans soared, the indicators of the loan-to-deposit ratio and the amount of monthly control, only to sacrifice some of their Notes revenue. " Menacing tide of credit shows the confidence of commercial banks this year's macroeconomic, but on the other hand, a lot of liquidity from the banking system release also attracted a high degree of attention from regulatory agencies. A state-owned big firms to sources, the bank's loan business is subject to the requirements from regulatory agencies, and some personal mortgage loan applications may be adjourned from quarter loans, but this phenomenon appears only in individual cities such as Shanghai. This contrast of state-owned big firms and joint-stock banks, bank insiders explained yesterday, is a full year of credit peak in January, but specifically, the four lines of the large amount of loan applications, the amount of use and rapid, while Once the end of the month to have a large amount of credit demand, may be part of the joint-stock banks in early to mid-added lack of credit, the scale had to bill business indicators, and the line is, if not sold in the market as soon as possible bills The only self-digestion sacrificed bill business income to ensure that the line of credit standards.